Ania conquers two wheeling | Ania sente la vittoria su due ruote 4/14
Iza 7/14
The twins' birthday party | Le gemelle alla festa di compleanni 4/14
Ania and dad on the ski lift | Ania ed il suo padre sulla seggiavia 2/14
The twins at the beach | Le gemelle sulla spiaggia 12/13
The twins in front of the Christmas tree | Le gemelle davanti al'albero di natale 12/13
Ania with her stuffed friends | Ania con amici 7/13
Iza in the cherry tree | Iza in un albero di ciliegi 6/13
Iza loves her horses | Ad Iza piaciono i cavalli 5/13
Ania loves skiing | Ad Ania piace sciare 1/13
The twins at Philadelphia Jewish Museum | Le gemelli al Philadelphia Jewish Museum 9/12
Iza at the North Carolina Festival | Iza alla North Carolina Festival 9/12
Ania at the Richmond, VA Children's Museum | Ania alla Richmond, VA Children's Museum 8/12
Iza picks cherries | Iza prende ciliegi 6/12
Ania the Seahawk pilot | Ania dirige il Seahawk 6/12
Under the bridge | Sotto il ponte 4/12
The family at Jack Frost | La famiglia va sciare 2/12
Twins at Porta Borsari, Verona | Gemini davanti alla Porta Borsari, Verona 11/11
Ania at buni's | Ania la buni 11/11
Iza la Bucaresti | Iza in Bucharest 10/11
Ania in the strawberry patch 6/11
Iza eats strawberries 6/11
La Brie family at Hershey Factory 2/11
La Brie family Christmas 12/10
Isabella at Port Discovery, Baltimore, MD 11/10
The twins camping 8/10
Isabella the lamb 8/10
Ania enjoys sun at the park 7/10
Eating Strawberries 5/10
At the Baltimore Zoo 5/10
In the Easter spirit 4/10
A true pacifier addict when you only have one mouth to fill 4/10
Isa on a swing 1/10
Ania on a swing 1/10
Ania in the snow 12/09
Isa in the snow 12/09
Family Christmas 12/09
Touring the fire engine with dad. 8/09
Download a video of the girls dancing. 8/09 It may take 10-15 minutes to download on an ISDN or ETH0 line.
Ania the budding engineer. 7/09
Isabella shows she has the balance of a dancer. 7/09
Isabella at the beach. 6/09
Ania enjoying spaghetti. 6/09
Ania enjoys the park. 5/09
Isabella does too. 5/09
Ania teaches dad how to eat in a refined manner. 3/09
Isabella, what a smile! 3/09
First ski trip. 2/09
Ringing in their first new year. 12/08
"Hey, mom and dad, we'll cut you a break this year, but next year we want bigger gifts."
"Guarda mamma e papa, stiamo che quest'anno e' il vostro primo anno, ma l'anno prossimo vogliamo piu' regali."e;
"Vai de noi ce cadouri scumpe! Anul viitor, vrem sa faceti mai bine." 12/08
A future Mensan gets a lesson by dad and mom. 11/08
First Halloween. 10/08
Ania and Isa celebrate their 6 month birthday. 10/08
The twins encourage us to stand strong. (They spontaneously clasped hands. They'd never done it before and they haven't done it since. For the skeptics, have you ever tried to put the hands of 4 month olds together for a picture? Nothing short of a miracle.) 8/08
Isa gives her 0bama impersonation. Ania says "Don't let that innocent look fool you. I lived with her for 9 months." 8/08
Iza "This town is too small for the both of us." 6/2008
Ania. Gotta love that smile. 6/2008
Ania 6/2008
Isabella (l) and Anastasia (r) hamming it up for the camera 6/2008
Isabella (left) and Anastasia (right) posing for their 2040 election poster, Motto: "Aspire to greatness, America" 5/2008
Isabella (left) and Anastasia (right) La Brie 5/2008
Aurelia and Iza 4/2008
LJ and Ania 4/2008
Isa's first image. Sonogram of Isabella 2/2008
Ania's first image. Sonogram of Anastasia 2/2008