"Duties were consistently performed with the
highest degree of professionalism, expertise, team spirit, and
dedication. Mr. LaBrie's efficiency reports identifying key aspects of
his professional responsibilities were consistently gauged as
exceptional and consistently reflected positive results. Mr.
LaBrie's departure from the service is considered a significant loss
that will become a significant gain for his future employer."---DWL

"He performed his duties very well and to the
satisfaction of all he worked with. He initiated formal training
programs for anesthesia technicians, established a program of regular
staff meetings, helped in the procurement decision-making during the
Kellogg Eye Center expansion and helped in improving customer feedback
and service. I found Laurent to have excellent work habits, and to
display a keen dedication to customer service."---SM

Mr. LaBrie "assisted me to introduce the latest
fiberoptic technology to the Department of Anesthesia for the purpose of
airway management."---ACDB

"He maintained positive and proactive
communications with his co-workers, including his subordinates and
seemed to be ready to serve all he worked with."--SM

"His proactive teamwork resulted in close ties
with his employees and peers alike."---DWL

"Mr. LaBrie is intensely loyal and people trust
and respect his commitment. He takes pleasure in helping other
people, building them up and helping them realize their potential as an
individual. I esteem L.J. as a professional and as a friend."---DFJ

"Larry LaBrie is a team player and he's been an active
concerned community member."---ANM

"In the course of this work, Mr. LaBrie has
become conversant with fiberoptic technology in both its application and
maintenance in the care of outpatients." ---ACDB

Mr. LaBrie "actively programmed equipment
replacement initiatives so that current technology was readily
obtainable. His systematic review of current and potential medical
technology in concert with hospital clinicians was a key factor in the
success of the hospital's equipment acquisition program."---DWL

"I found L.J. to be a very competent
professional and a trusted colleague."---DFJ

"L.J. is an honest person of significant
integrity. He will always give 100 percent to his area of
responsibility and to the mission of the organization."---DFJ

"He is a person who engages challenges with a
consistent and positive attitude and who looks on adversity as an
opportunity to grow and learn."---DFJ

"LT LaBrie has developed rapidly; not a deskbound
medic, he has set an admirable standard by his leadership, earning the Expert
Field Medical Badge and civilian paramedic certification." Recommend
"challenge with the most demanding of Medical Service Corps positions, mark
for advanced education ahead of peers, and promote early."---ANM